VPXP is where you can view who has Proxy access to a student's record.  

This access gives a parent or guardian the ability to call and obtain information on a student's behalf or login and view student information in Titans Direct.

Proxy access is given to a parent or guardian by the Student in Titans Direct.

Once logged into Titans Direct the Student can follow these steps:

  1. Click on the User Options icon
  2. Select View/Add Proxy Access
  3. Click on the drop down arrow under Select a Proxy
  4. Click on Add Another User
  5. Fill out the Proxy Information
  6. Select the Access that the student wants the Proxy to have
  7. Place a check in the Disclosure Agreement box and click Submit

The person that is authorized to access the student's account will receive their unique username and password to the e-mail that was entered for the Proxy.

You can also e-mail the attached instructions to the student.