Basic Information

1.    Prior to a term starting, students registered for credit courses should be able to login to Blackboard once that semester’s courses are uploaded into Blackboard by Shew-Mei. They will not see their classes until the day a particular term begins.

2.    All courses (Online, Hybrid, Face-to-Face) become available in Blackboard at midnight on the day a particular term begins.

3.    All credit courses are made available prior to the semesters starting.  Faculty have the ability to make their courses available and unavailable. 

4.    Faculty can make their courses available and unavailable.

5.    Be aware of the start date of the terms for the semester.

6.    The Colleague Team does not get alerted if ILP is not working.

When to Escalate to the Colleague Team

1.    If it is the start date of a term and multiple requests are coming in that student’s cannot login to Blackboard or see their courses.

2.    You have tried logging in as the student and experience the same problem.

3.    Contact someone on the Colleague Team directly and have them check on their end.

4.    If the Colleague Team has to re-start the service, the process runs quickly, and students will be able to login to Blackboard and see their classes.