Student e-mail accounts are Gmail accounts.
Once a student graduates or leaves CCM, the student e-mail account remains active up until one (1) year of not being enrolled. After one (1) year of not taking classes, the e-mail account is deleted.
The student will continue to login with the same username and password they used to login to Titans Direct.
If a student does not know their username, the format only of the username ( can be given out over the phone or through e-mail. DO NOT give out the exact username.
If a student does not know their password or their ID number, do the following:
- The student MUST provide you with the exact e-mail address that is in their record
- The student MUST have access to the e-mail address that is in their record.
- You CANNOT tell them what e-mail address is in their record.
- If the student cannot:
(a) verify the e-mail address on their record
(b) no longer has access to the e-mail address on their record
(c) the e-mail address on their record is correct but misspelled
Guide the student to the “Change of Information Form” on the website and instruct them on how to submit the form to Records and Registration.
Change of Information forms can be submitted as follows:
- Scanned and e-mailed as an attachment to:
- Faxed to: 973-328-5209
- Brought in person to Records and Registration in the Student Community Center
If the student has verified and has access to their personal e-mail address in their record:
- Tell the student you will e-mail their ID # to their personal account
- Copy and paste the e-mail address into a new e-mail from the Solution Center
- Type in the Subject of the e-mail: Student ID
- You can copy and paste the ID # from NAE into the body of the e-mail
E-mail the student their ID number through Fresh Desk.
NOTE: Detailed instructions for sending a student their ID number can be found in the Knowledge Base under Colleague, Tech Access Mnemonics (Screens), NAE.