Follow these instructions in order to set up a new account for an Adjunct faculty member.

Accounts cannot be set up without notification from Human Resources.

  1. Human Resources will send notification of new Adjuncts to be set up to the Solution Center
  2. Run the create-newAdjunct365 Power Shell script
  3. Active Directory
    1. Go to the Adjunct Faculty OU
    2. Open record of new employee
    3. Type in the following fields:
      1. General - Description:  Adjunct Faculty
      2. Organization - Department:  Adjunct - <Department employee works in>
  4. Colleague
    1. DRUS
      1. Person User ID - Change to username that is in Active Directory
      2. Make Sure
        1. Authentication Scheme - Default
        2. Env Operator Equivalent - WEB-FACULTY
      3. Click "Save All"
    2. NAE
      1. E-Mail Address(es)
        1. If personal e-mail address is entered, change INT to WWW
        2. Click on "1"
        3. Click "Insert"
        4. Select "EMP"
        5. Type in e-mail address
        6. Type "Y" in Preferred
        7. Press the tab key on your keyboard
        8. Click "OK"
        9. Click "Save All"
  5. Reply to Ticket from Human Resources with the e-mail address(es) of the new Adjunct(s).
  6. Email department admin and cc: department chair the instructions for the new Adjunct on how to access their email and MFA.
  7. Blackboard
    1. Upload the new Adjunct into Blackboard (see Upload User Instructions)
    2. Set up a Sandbox course
    3. Add to BUG