These instructions describe how to move a student to the RecentStudents OU in Active Directory.
This process is done when a student is re-enrolling or a student e-mails the Solution Center that they cannot login to Titans Direct and are not in the Recent Students OU.
- Look up the student in Active Directory -
- Right click on
- Select Find
- Type in the students username (lastname.firstname)
- Press Enter or click on Find Now
- Double click on the student name and go to the Member Of tab
- Check to see what groups the student is in
- If the student is not in the RecentStudents group
- Open the move.csv file
- Under SamAccountName type in the student's username (multiple names can be added)
- Click File
- Click Save
- The following will move the student to the RecentStudents group in Active Directory and enable their account if it is disabled:
- Right click on the moveFromStudentstoRecentStudents PowerShell script
- Click Run with PowerShell
- Make sure under the Members tab in Active Directory that the student is a member of the following groups:
- AllStudents
- Blackboard Users
- Domain Users
- RecentStudents