1. Identify the duplicate Colleague Ids you will need to work with.
  2. Add the necessary new information to the original Colleague account in order for Elevate to find this record when running the duplicate check process.
  3. In Elevate – select Duplicates
    1. Add student’s last name
    2. Change Status from Pending to Resolved
    3. Click Edit
    4. Click Revert to Pending
    5. Run Duplicate check and select the correct Colleague account you need to link to.   Give the systems a few minutes to update.  Check Colleague account to make sure all the information is now on the correct account.
  4. If another STU – Student email was issued for the duplicate account, notify Solution Center to remove that record from WFD Active Directory (AD) account. Then confirm that the correct student email is still in AD.
  5. Notify Records & Registration (Sandra Hyder) if there are any grade(s) that must be updated in Colleague.
  6. Notify Records & Registration office to lock the duplicate account.
  7. If there are any monies that need to be transferred – notify the Bursar/Accounting office.
  8. In Elevate – User Accounts – type in Last Name and confirm that the Username is valid for this student.