Combining or merging courses in Blackboard is done based on Faculty request. This process combines the course content and students into one Parent course. Each individual course becomes a Child course to the Parent. The Instructor MUST add or update any course content in the Parent course only.
Click on "System Admin"
Click on "Courses"
Search for the course name (ie: CHM-127). Click on "Go"
- Make sure the sections to be combined are in Blackboard
- Copy the name of the course with the lowest section number
Search for the Template course
- Click on the dropdown arrow
- Select "Copy"
- Type in the Destination Course ID (ex: 2315FA-80159P)
- Click "Submit"
- Click "Select All"
- Click "Submit"
Updating New Parent Course
- Click on the drop down arrow next to the new Parent course
- Select "Edit"
- Paste the course name that you copied into the Course Name field
- Add the additional section numbers
- Enter a capital "P" next to the closing parenthesis
- Click on the drop down arrow next to "Term"
- Select the Term the course is being offered
- Select the Term the course is being offered
- Click in the box "Select Courses to Merge"
- Child Courses
- Select "Browse"
- Type in the course name in the Search box (ex: CHM-127)
- Click "Go"
- Search for the sections to be merged
- Place a check in the box next to each class being merged
- Click "Submit"
- Availability
- Available
- Select "Use Term Availability
- Select "Use Term Availability
- Duration
- Click the "Select Dates" circle
- Select a Start Date (Start date of the semester)
- Time should be 12:00am
- Click "Submit"
- Available
This is what the Parent and Child courses will look like in Blackboard when you have completed the merge process.