Retirees can choose to "Opt In" to continue to receive correspondence from the college by going to:

Once they fill out the questionnaire, the Solution Center will receive the following:

You have received a Retiree Email Submission from:
Email (You MUST use a personal email account):
Opt In/Out:
I choose to OPT IN to continue to receive communication from County College of Morris.

Follow the instructions on how to set up the e-mail in Active Directory:

  1. In Active Directory:
    1. Right Click on Retirees
    2. Go to New
    3. Select Contact
    4. Only type the first name initial in the First name: field 
    5. Fille in the remaining fields as shown below and click OK
    6. Once the name is added to Active Directory
      1. Right click on the name
      2. Select Properties
      3. Enter the Retirees e-mail address in the E-mail: field
      4. Click on the "Member Of" tab
        1. Click Add
        2. Type Retirees 
        3. Click Check Names
        4. Click OK
      5. Respond to the Retiree that their personal e-mail address has been set up so that they receive correspondence from the College.